Company News ICAT Logistics Named a ‘100 Great Supply Chain Partner’ for 2023

August 15, 2023

For the third time, ICAT Logistics has been named a 100 Great Supply Chain Partner of 2023 by SupplyChainBrain, the world’s most comprehensive supply chain management information resource.

Each year, SupplyChainBrain readers voice their opinions about thousands of supply chain partners, but only the top 100 most nominated are placed on the list. In June of this year, SupplyChainBrain presented, in collaboration with the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, the first ever Global Supply Chain Marketing Summit. One of the most interesting takeaways was the revelation that a relationship that has the potential to be entirely transactional—give me the best product for the cheapest price—is anything but that. Turns out that the most successful engagements are those that are built on a foundation of partnership

Brad Berger, Publisher of SupplyChainBrain, sent a message to all recipients of this year’s list:

“For twenty-one years running, SupplyChainBrain has published our much-anticipated list of 100 Great Supply Chain Partners — a select group of companies whose customers recognize them for providing outstanding solutions and services.


Our six-month online poll of supply chain professionals requires a qualified response, asking them to nominate vendors and service providers whose solutions have made a significant impact on their company’s efficiency, customer service and overall supply chain performance. 


This year’s field of nominees was highly competitive and overall excellent – coming from all sectors of supply chain management. Your company should be proud to be named amongst the 100 Great!”


ICAT Logistics appeared in the 2023 August issue of SupplyChainBrain magazine and on as an honored member of this year’s 100 Great Supply Chain Partners.

Read the full article from SupplyChainBrain.